Off Ndorobo Rd, 11782 Burka Olasiti 23119, Arusha

A1 Hotel & Resort

Our Blog
3 Dec

A1 – Your Gateway to Leisure

A1 Hotel & Resort ability to maintain the quality of service amid pandemic to speed up recovery has been phenomenal despite the challenges in world travel restrictions and bans at the heart of COVID-19 spree.

The hotel has been open all over since but with greatly scaled down operations BUT to maintain the observations of the covid-19 guidelines as well as the property.

This strategy has kept A1 Hotel & Resort a leader in the hospitality industry in Arusha against the wave of the pandemic and a focus to your experience, care and satisfactions.

When you plan to stay with us next, please remember our strict guidelines during the pandemic made us evolve into the platform of excellence service provision and so a gateway to your leisure while in Arusha.

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